Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class News 10/11 - 10/18

This past week we further investigated penguins!  We read a nonfiction text on penguins and then compared and contrasted real life penguins with a fictional penguin named Tacky.  This helped us to see how different fiction and nonfiction texts are when compared side by side.  We did some great writing this week, too.  We wrote some wonderful facts about penguins and did our best writing!  Our writing is now hung on a bulletin board in the primary hall for the whole school to see!

We did a fun craft with our doubles facts.  We came up with a "Batty Doubles" fact in honor of Halloween.  We are really starting to know those doubles facts!

In math we continued to work on adding within 20.  We practiced the many strategies we have learned.  This week we also we learned how to add using a tens frame.  This took practice, but we are getting the hang of it.

Math Tip:  Please remember to have your student login to and practice their math problems everyday.  It only takes about 5 minutes a day but you will notice a significant change in their math fluency if done daily! 

Don't forget about reading those 100 minutes a week.  This is considered to be a part of your child's independent reading grade.  This is also critical practice for your child to apply their reading skills and get that extra practice at home.