Monday, September 23, 2013

Finishing off September!

Classroom News
This past week we continued working on reading nonfiction text.  We went further into Africa and learned about why animals live in groups through the story Safety in Numbers.  This text guided us as we learned how to formulate our own questions and wonderings as we read and how to look for the answers to these questions.  We had a lot of different questions about animal groups and the way different animals live.  We were also very curious about predator and prey relationships.  We learned new vocabulary this week.  Our vocabulary words we practiced were charge, herd, flock, colony, shelter, predator, prey, and calf.  We practiced these all week long!!  We learned colony, herd, and flock are different names for different types of animal groups.

In math we continued working on subtraction and learned how to take away all or zero.  We also practiced taking away from 10.

Important Info:
Student's need to work on mastering their kindergarten sight words.  These words are essential to becoming a proficient reader.  Once these sight words are mastered students will then be able to move on and work on mastering their first grade words.  Please practice these words at home with your child.  A sight word is a word that you cannot sound out and it does not follow any specific phonetic pattern.

What We’re Learning This Week:
Reading: We will be continuing with nonfiction text reading about Big Cats and how they are different from normal house cats.  We will continue to work on finding the main idea and key details to support the main idea.  Our vocabulary for the week is: food chain, litter, camouflage, stalks, bursts, dodges, throat, and stole.
Math: We are going to be having our Chapter 2 math test on Tuesday.  Work on the enrichment packet for more challenging work.  We will begin Chapter 3.  Students will learn to add in any order, count on, and add doubles.
Grammar: We will be working on telling sentences.  It is a statement.  It begins with a capital and usually ends with a period.