Sunday, April 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

Classroom News
Welcome Back!  We hope you all enjoyed your time off from school and were able to do some fun things over break!

Reading:  In reading we did some reviewing on topics we have already learned and studied this year.  Students demonstrated that they have learned a lot so far in first grade!  We did a really fun activity to go along with the story Jack and the Beanstalk.  We can’t wait for you to see it when you come to Giles Night at the Museum!  We have worked so hard perfecting so many different fairytale projects for you to see! 
Math:  In math we wrapped up chapter 11.  The students have a firm understanding on three-dimensional shapes.  They understand that two-dimensional shapes are hidden in the flat surfaces of a three-dimensional shape!  This weekend be sure to complete the math chapter 11 review for Monday!
Writing: Students have been working well on their opinion writing.  We have some very opinionated students here in first grade.  It is great that they love to voice their opinions and say their feelings on so many different topics and ideas!

What We’re Learning Next Week:
Reading: Next week we will be beginning our new unit on the sun, moon, and the earth.  We will be intertwining science with our reading curriculum to learn about nonfiction text features.  A few of these features include bold words, labels, and captions.  We will be learning about why these are important as we read and what value they add to the text.  We will do a nonfiction text scavenger hunt and be locating the various features we have learned about in a variety of nonfiction books.

Math: We are going to be having our Chapter 11 math test on Tuesday.  Students have done a great job learning all about three-dimensional shapes!  They are able to recognize their various attributes and take them apart and put them together to create new shapes.  We will then begin to learn about two-dimensional shapes in chapter 12.  Students will be able to recognize there various attributes and look at how they are similar and different.

Writing:  We are going to be continuing to write our reviews.  We are continuing to edit and work on publishing our reviews.  Students are really enjoying writing their opinions on various ideas and topics!

Phonemic Awareness:
Students will be learning about the digraph oi and oy.

Example: oil and toy

Please practice at home using

Important Information
Fluency Poems have begun again!  Your child’s fluency poem is due next week, April 17, 2015.

Please be sure to practice with your child every night!

Important Dates:

4/30: Night at the Museum
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.